
Who we are/Our Story?

We are group of national and international trained physiotherapists that has helped many in their journey of becoming a licensed Physiotherapist across Canada. We understand the journey and incorporate firsthand experience of local and internationally trained physiotherapists in our PCE Exam prep courses. We have taken a guess work out for you and offer two simple options for courses each with great value-added features. You can either attend a live instructor session which spans around 8 weeks, or you can take independent learning package. Both has its own perks it depends on your choice. Our team can help you find what suits you the best over an optional free consultation call. We do provide 1:1 pre-session call to all our students to guide them about the resources, help those setting practical goals for their exam preparation and to find out their start up level.

It took us years to develop this program and bring it to you through this online program. There has been background consultation with myriads of field experts. Transferring from one healthcare system to another does not only takes the knowledge but requires proper orientation to system to help understand how their base knowledge can be translated into a clinic practice. We are big on facilitated learning so you will find a lot of synchronous and asynchronous sessions from our instructors throughout the course and weekly office hours that will be recorded. We are also introducing 1:1 coaching for individuals that would like to spend more one-on-one time with the instructors and has been conveniently packaged for you.

Our Mission

• To contribute to your success by providing the best support and resources to pass the licensing exam.
• To provide the best support and resources to students by empowering them with for passing the license exams
• To provide the best support and resources to bridge the gaps for candidates for passing the license exams

Our Vision

To help build a strong and diverse workforce within the profession through use of an individualized approach and quality focused tools that warranties success in licensure exam and professional readiness.