
Why PT Exam Coach

Our exam prep philosophy is very simple. We are not here to train physiotherapists to become physiotherapist. We target the gaps in knowledge of context, skills and practice. And therefore, our programs save you from running in circles and feeling Deja Vu. Our team understands what it takes for internationally trained physiotherapists to get through these exams to become a practicing therapist in Canada. We help building competencies in areas of knowledge and skills that helps clear the exams with ease.

We understand your goal is not to just clear the exam but to work in Canada as a Physiotherapist. Not just gain a certificate of passing exam but live a lifestyle in Canada that you dream for yourself and your family. Therefore, we are here to guide you through out the process from credential evaluation to exam preparation, how to find your first job, help with resume building and preparing for interviews.

Transferring from one healthcare system to another does not only takes the knowledge but requires proper orientation to system to help understand how their base knowledge can be translated into a clinic practice. We are offering a separate module on orientation of Canadian Healthcare for both written and clinical exam courses. We believe without understanding the healthcare context of Canada in which you will be working chances are very meek for you to understanding the prevalence of disease, conditions and combinations/clinical manifestations. Also, service streams in which therapists is an important context for you to understand the exam questions and answer them appropriately. This comes through the lens of internationally trained physiotherapists instructors in the team.